For you, O LORD, have made me glad by your work;
at the works of your hands, I sing for joy.

Psalm 92:4

“The word of God declares That at the name of Jesus Every knee Shall bow”

Lyrics from Every Knee Shall Bow

Brought to you by the Let It Be Known Movement, thisis a powerful worship song that lifts up the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Every Knee Shall Bowby THEENNAMDIfeatures Gabi The Artist, Lenora D. Sutton, Lavonne Jackson Wright, Christian Acker, Donovan Mitchell, and Dusti Rose Bacon. This group of talented brothers and sisters in Christ collaborated with to share Jesus' mission of love and salvation through song.

See Lavonne’s Latest

  • Let it Be Known That Jesus Christ is Lord: The Meeting that Sparked a Movement.

    In 2023, the Lord brought a group of talented and gifted brothers & sisters in Christ from all walks of life together. There was a strong anointing from God as tongues & hearts agreed and harmonized. What started as creatives just worshipping together grew into an opportunity to collaborate on and release new worship music. Learn more about the powerful moment and see what’s new.

  • Lavonne Co-Authored: Blessed in the Detours of Life

    Compiled by author Pamela G. Rasheed, “Blessed In The Detours Of Life” is a collection of personal Psalms written by Bible Believers who have experienced God’s faithfulness, power, & mercy in their season of grief, brokenness, pain, and other desperate situations. The book, featuring a modern-day Psalm written by Lavonne, is currently available on Amazon. Get your copy today!

  • Lavonne's Article "Deliverance" in the June Issue of VLF Inspired

    VLF Inspired Magazine carries out the will of God to inspire and encourage people through “iron sharpening iron.” Lavonne was featured in the June 2023 issue with an article on deliverance. The magazine is currently available on Amazon. Get your copy today!

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